C# Toolbox


Common Controls

A button is an object that a user interacts with to perform an action. Typically, buttons are used to trigger coded events. Video; PDF

Checkbox controls allow the user to choose from a list of options. This control lets the user pick a combination of options. When the control is checked, it is set to a Boolean true. Unchecked is a Boolean false. Video; PDF

The ComboBox is a combination of a Text Box and a ListBox in a single control. Only one item is displayed in the ComboBox. The rest of the available items are below in a drop-down list. Video; PDF; ComboBox Code

This control allows the user to select a single item from a list of dates or times. Video; PDF

Labels are used to display text that cannot be edited by the user. They are used to identify objects on a form. They are also used to provide a description of what another object is or does. The text displayed on a label control can be changed via code. Video; PDF

A ListBox control is a user interface used to display a list of items. Users can select one or more items from the list. The list can be manipulated via a group of methods provided with the control. Video; PDF; ListBox Code

This control is an enhanced TextBox control that aids the programmer in accepting or rejecting user input. Video; PDF

The PictureBox control is used to display graphics. It can display many formats including bitmap, GIF, JPEG, metafile, or icon. Video; PDF

RadioButton controls allow the user to choose from a list of options. What’s different from the CheckBox control, however, is only one choice is allowed. Like the CheckBox control when checked, it is set to a Boolean true. Unchecked is a Boolean false. Video; PDF

The TextBox control allows the user to enter text in an application. The text entered or displayed in a textbox can be changed via code. Video; PDF


The Form is a window that is displayed on the screen and is used to contain other graphical objects. Video; PDF; Form Code

A GroupBox is a control that displays a frame around a group of controls. It can also display a caption. Video; PDF

A Panel is a control that provides a grouping for other controls. You use a Panel to subdivide a form by function. It is like a GroupBox but can have scroll bars and does not display a caption. Video; PDF

Menus & Toolbars

The MenuStrip control is a container for a form's menu structure. It allows users to access functionality by grouping commands with a common theme. Its structure is similar to what you will find in Microsoft Office. Video; PDF; MenuStrip Code


This control is a container that holds multiple images. Images can be retrieved by index and displayed in a PictureBox control. Video; PDF: ImageList PDF

A Timer is a control that generates an event after a set interval. It also has the option to generate recurring events. It's like an automatic button. Video; PDF; Countdown PDF; Wheel of Fortune PDF


The OpenFileDialog control allows the user to browse and select a file to be used in an application. Video; PDF; OpenFileDialog Code

The SaveFileDialog allows the user to browse the system and select a location and a name for a file that is about to be saved. Video; PDF; SaveFileDialog Code